energy management

Energy Management Opportunities in Thermal Power Plant:

The major energy management systems in thermal power plant are;

The Boiler And Steam Distribution System:

boiler burns fuel to produce heat that converts water into steam, and the steam distribution system takes the steam from the boiler to the point of use. Boilers consume much of the fuel used in many production facilities. The boiler is thus the first place to look when attempting to reduce natural gas or oil consumption. The steam distribution system is also a very important place to look for energy savings, since every pound of steam lost is another pound of steam that the boiler must produce.

The Heating, Ventilating, And Air Conditioning System:

All heating, air conditioning and ventilation (HVAC) equipment should be inventoried. Prepared data sheets can be used to record type, size, model numbers, age, electrical specifications or fuel use specifications, and estimated hours of operation. The equipment should be inspected to determine the condition of the evaporator and condenser coils, the air filters, and the insulation on the refrigerant lines. Air velocity measurements may also be made and recorded to assess operating efficiencies or to discover conditioned air leaks. This data will allow later analysis to examine alternative equipment and operations that would reduce energy costs for heating, ventilating, and air conditioning.

The Electrical Supply System:

This system consists of transformers, wiring, switches, and fuses— all the components needed to enable electricity to move from the utility owned wires at the facility boundary to its point of use within the company. By our definition, this supply system does not include lights, motors, or electrical controls. Most energy problems associated with the distribution of electricity are also safety problems, and solving the energy problems helps to solve the safety-related problems.

Electricity from a utility enters a facility at a service transformer. The area around the transformer should be dry, the transformer fins should be free from leaves and debris so that they can perform their cooling function and the transformer should not be leaking oil. If a transformer fails to meet any one of these conditions there is a serious problem which should justify a call to the local electrical utility, or, if the transformer is company owned, to the person or department in charge of maintaining the electrical system. 

upper mentioned energy management systems for better efficiencies.

Similarly Insulation Systems, Waste heat recovery, Energy Control systems, Energy system maintenance etc.

for further study:

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